University of Texas at Austin, December 1994
Ph.D. in Government

University of Texas at Austin, August 1987
Master of Arts in Government

Macalester College, May 1984
Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Business, International Studies

Distinguished Member, American Congress for Rehabilitation Medicine, 2023.
Recipient of the Arthur I. Karshmer Award for Best Assistive Technology Research Paper, CSUN Conference 2019.
Fellow of the American Congress for Rehabilitation Medicine, 2017.

John’s work focuses on promoting equitable access and usability of products and services for people with disabilities to support independent living and community participation. John also leads several R&D projects for mobile software applications, clinical interventions and knowledge translation, which are supported by grants from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR).

Prior to joining Shepherd Center, John worked for Oracle Corporation as a senior product development manager, designing and validating technical services offerings, and as visiting assistant professor of International Relations/Latin America area studies at the University of Connecticut.

John serves in leadership roles for the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM), including as founding co-chair of the Technology Networking Group. He also serves on the Editorial Board for CSUN’s Journal on Technology and Persons with Disability, as well as IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology. John also has served as a peer reviewer for Assistive Technology and Frontiers in Rehabilitation.

Wallace T, Morris J, Anderson R, Glickstein R, Gore, R. (2022) Implementation of a Mobile Technology Supported Diaphragmatic Breathing Intervention in Military mTBI with PTSD. Journal of Head Trauma Research.

Morris JT & Thompson NA. (2020). User personas: smart speakers, home automation and people with disabilities. J. Technol. Persons Disabil, 8.

Morris J, Thompson N, Lippincott B, Lawrence M. (2019). Accessibility User Research Collective: Engaging Consumers in Ongoing Technology Evaluation. Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits, 13:38-56.

Jones M, Morris J, Mueller J, Lippincott B, Sweatman M. (2018). Regulating Hearing Aid Compatibility of Cell Phones: Results from a National Survey. Assistive Technology. DOI: 10.1080/10400435.2018.1512174.

Morris J, & Mueller, J. (2014). Blind and deaf consumer preferences for android and iOS smartphones. In Inclusive designing: Joining usability, accessibility, and inclusion. Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Morris J, Mueller J, Jones M. (2014) Use of Social Media during Public Emergencies by People with Disabilities, Western Journal of Emergency Medicine 15(5):567-574.