The ReturnGuide app is a new mobile app that helps people with vision impairment to get around in unfamiliar surroundings. It was developed with support from Shepherd Center. If you’re visiting a hospital, the app can guide you back to the front desk after visiting a patient. Or the app could guide you back to the front door of a restaurant from your table.
Have blindness or low vision, to the extent that sometimes you could get disoriented in an unfamiliar building.
Use an Android smart phone.
Install the new Return Guide app on your phone, with tech support help from us. We’ll help you make sure the phone has a gyro sensor that the app needs. You’ll learn about the app by watching or listening to a few brief YouTube videos we provide.
Try the app to navigate in at least one familiar location to get used to it.
Try the app to navigate in at least one unfamiliar location, or in an unfamiliar part of a building you’ve been to before. (but making sure it’s somewhere you feel safe if the app isn’t yet 100% perfect!)
Answer some questions by phone or Zoom video meeting about how well the app worked for you, tell us about any problems you discovered with the app, or suggestions you have for making it better.
There is a $100 thank-you payment for those who complete the above steps, in gratitude for helping bring this app to reality.
Fill in the short form at
or E-mail Vortant Technologies at
or text the company at 828-779-0305
or call us at 828-645-1026, extension 4
The Accessibility User Research Collective (AURC) is a national community of people with all types of disabilities interested in helping make technology more accessible and usable. The AURC is organized and maintained by assistive technology researchers at Shepherd Center.
To learn more about and join the AURC, please visit:
Shepherd Center, located in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, is a private, not-for-profit hospital specializing in medical treatment, research and rehabilitation for people with spinal cord injury, brain injury, multiple sclerosis, spine and chronic pain, and other neuromuscular conditions.
Interested? Questions? Please contact